Sustainable criteria in companies from their inception

Sustainable criteria in companies from their inception

34% of the 2000 largest public and private companies already have net zero emissions targets, representing a 7% increase from 2023.

However, 93% of these companies will not meet their commitments unless they significantly accelerate their decarbonization efforts in the next decade.

This data comes from a study conducted by Accenture in collaboration with the United Nations. The consultancy suggests developing "carbon intelligence," integrating data and insights on emissions into core decision-making processes.

Corporate leaders increasingly understand that integrating sustainable practices into their strategies not only addresses environmental and social challenges but also drives growth, profitability, and competitive resilience. Therefore, in the context of Environment Month, sustainability is positioned as a fundamental element for business success.

In this regard, the study highlights that 98% of CEOs believe it is their role to make their companies more sustainable.

However, turning intentions into meaningful actions remains a challenge, with only 7% of large companies on track to achieve their net zero emissions goals by 2050.


Integrating Sustainability into the Company’s DNA Belén Arce, Sustainability

Senior Manager at Accenture Argentina, highlights that "to achieve a significant impact, it is essential for companies to integrate sustainability into their DNA, designing models, processes, and activities with sustainable criteria from their inception. This mindset shift allows companies to reap tangible results, such as cost reduction, better risk management, and the generation of competitive advantages."

Undoubtedly, technology has taken a leading role as a key enabler for embedding sustainability with solutions ranging from carbon capture to ESG data monitoring and analysis.

At the same time, fostering a diverse and inclusive culture within organizations that empowers people to become sustainable innovators becomes a crucial element for adopting new processes and technologies.

Regarding regulations and the intensification of regulatory frameworks, especially in Europe, companies have the opportunity to reinvent themselves and generate a lasting competitive advantage. Complying with regulations is not just an obligation but an opportunity to lead in sustainability and differentiate in the market.


Making Sustainability More Human

On the other hand, Accenture's "Our Human Moment" report highlights that although 96% of people want sustainability to be part of their lives, only 25% of companies encourage them to take sustainable actions. Therefore, understanding different life-centered archetypes can help organizations drive sustainable transitions and connect with all types of audiences.

Belén Arce concludes that “during World Environment Month, it is crucial for companies to recognize sustainability not only as a responsibility but as a strategic opportunity to lead and grow sustainably. Sustainability is no longer an option; it is now a strategic imperative and an essential competitive advantage for companies seeking to thrive in the digital economy.”

(14 june of 2024). Sustainability: Only 7% of companies are on track to achieve net zero emissions by 2050. Noticias Ambientales. Retrieved from:

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